The TPS Manoeuvring Suit
The TPS suit was created in the early 1990s, from one of our SOLAS survival suits. The idea was to cut down on the high number of sailing accidents at sea. But the T.P.S was never SOLAS certified.
We wanted it to be a “manoeuvring suit” rather than a “survival suit”, so that sailors would always be safe even in severe weather conditions.
Unlike the suits used by the Merchant Navy, your hands are free. This means that you can catch a rope, get hold of your distress flares, and release a liferaft. In fact, the “S” in T.P.S. does not mean “Survival” but “Suit” – the initials are for Thermal Protective Suit
The TPS is a buoyant drysuit.
Made with titanium neoprene it offers a very high level of thermal insulation. The 3 mm neoprene + titanium on both sides provides insulation that is as good as if not superior to 5 mm neoprene. The suit’s design (waterproof bag closure system) eliminates the need for a standard waterproof zip and prevents thermal bridges and water ingress that can result in the loss of body heat.
The T.P.S. quickly predominated in sailing circles and we are proud of our contribution to saving lives. Although the TPS is mostly used by ocean racers, some ocean-going cruisers also use it to make their journeys safer.
It has saved lives: Isabelle Autissier, Yann Elies, Raphaël Dinelli, Jean Le Cam, Paul Meilhat, Louis Duc, Kévin Escoffier, etc.
TPS recertification in progress
We are currently “recertifying” the TPS manoeuvring suit. It is not available for sale at present.
Video of the injured Paul Meilhat in his TPS being rescued during the Transat St Barth/Port la Forêt on 15 December 2015
VITO-T Triathlon Suit
The new concept that is revolutionising TRIATHLON racing.
VITO-T Suit (Registered design) - PIEL
Guy Cotten has also developed a really outstanding Triathlon suit: the VITO-T.
Gone the difficulty of undressing. You can do this as you run.
The secret is to unfasten it from the top by pulling on the zip slider. This immediately opens the suit..
Triathletes like the time this saves.